Test Shoots Cineworld Story (TV NEWS PRODUCTION)


What Went Well/What Have I Learned
The day before lockdown two happened, I decided it would have been an appropriate and safe opportunity to attend my local Cineworld cinema. To film some test shoots and by using these test shoots to introduce our story on the second closure of Cineworld cinemas, for the live broadcast story. To start off with what went well, I had made the right decision of attending on location the day before the second lockdown began, while I was there I kept my distance away from other members of the public and kept my own equipment/ belongings with me the whole time, in case of anyone around the location trying to attend to steal them. The weather forecast for the day was very appropriate and safe, and it didn't affect any damage to my own equipment. I felt I had taken my time, made sure I captured enough and possible footage to film, and before I concluded, I check through my raw footage on my camera and was feeling satisfied to leave the location and upload the raw footage onto my group's shared one drive. They all felt impressed and satisfied as well to use these test shots for our green screen and of course, live broadcast segment. What I have learned, was when I attended my pre-production meeting, I was advised for future educational purposes to make sure to feel out a risk assessment and even if I will be using my own filming equipment and of course, I have taken that down by note and respected that advice for near future educational projects. 

Even Better If/ What Could Have Gone Better
If I had more time available and the second lockdown never happened, I could have attended more than one Cineworld cinema locations. This improvement could have given more perspective, interest, and effort to show how many more examples of Cineworld cinemas have gone back into the shutdown and also thinking of just how the job loss has affected this second temporary shutdown as well, most importantly showing how serious this story really is. This could have shown more effort from myself of attending more than one location and giving more options for the editing process to pick and choose which location would we have interest in having. Obviously, using the Rochester Cineworld will be needed for our contributor, however, just using another Cineworld would have been interesting, and just using more than one perspective, for in the use of camera work and the option for the edit overall. 

The second nearest Cineworld cinema is in Ashford Kent. This example here could have been another example to do some filming for our Cineworld story for more perspective and more options for the edit


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