After Effects Workshop (Graphics & Green Screen)

After Effects Workshop Graphics & Green Screen

What Went Well/ What I Have Learnt

Having experience with Adobe After Effects in the past has always been quite challenging in the use of the software. To this day, the software is still challenging for me to use, however, I have felt just by taking in patience and practice felt good progress, and unfortunately considering that I was the only person in my group participating in the workshop and not volunteering in my group to work on the job role of graphics, it was still a helpful workshop for near future projects to come. To discuss what I've achieved in this exercise, I had first learned about how to create a rectangular graphic, and by using that shape, is to place text onto and letting the text moving along from a moving grab style. Mentioning text, I had felt I had chosen a technical font that goes appropriately towards our news company and of course our theme as well. I had also felt, that choosing the seventh take from the test shoot in the green screen room, was just the right one for the workshop and from Sydney's voice, tone, dress code, and the framing from the shot looked appropriate for the after-effects video. Finally, I had placed very appropriately and relevant pictures based on our news package story on the iPhone 12, placed and cut them out at the precise time when Sydney continues to move on with the new package story, and choosing viewable background pictures for the practice and exercise side towards the workshop film.  

Even Better If/ What Could Have Gone Better

As you can see from the video above, the whole workshop video did not get completely exported. To explain in more detail, After Effects has more of a complicated exporting system to me, then Premiere Pro does and which is the original editing software system I would usually work with and complete any other projects in the editing process. Another problem that occurred was the software I used was constantly rendering the video, making the moving picture buffer, but at the same time turning its usual pacing into more of a slow-motion pace instead and this is due to the software rendering the video with how huge the video files were and the Mac computer I was using couldn't handle the multiple files and software happening at the same time. Which, for me couldn't complete the entire video and making the process a lot slower, and by the time I was about to edit in some pictures and change the background for the cinema story, it was five o clock, everyone was leaving the studios and my lift arrived. Still, all of these problems I had faced didn't make me feel overall disappointed or failed. This is because this is only working progress and it's given me the benefit to learn from these mistakes and try and use much stronger hardware, with bigger files for it to handle better. Plus, I had only started working on this workshop video after my lunch break, and as Fergus was teaching us a workshop earlier during the day. Overall, it's only working progress and this has given me the opportunity to improve and be aware of when these types of experiences can happen and to problem solve how can I move to take forward this learning curve. 


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