Script - Global Link News (TV NEWS PRODUCTION)

Global Link News Script

What Went Well
I feel that the script gives a clear idea of what our team's news package and live broadcast stories are about. The audio side of the script gives enough support for when my team comes to the stage of editing, for example from an SFX sound effect comes around of filming. It shall give us a signal to Sydney to pause and then when we work on post-production, it shall give us the opportunity to include an SFX sound effect into the presentation of the news broadcast. The audio side of the script also gives us enough detail of what's happening and a good amount of visuals to think and see what to expect for ourselves and the audience from our stories of Global-Link news. 

Even Better If
When it comes to the visual side of the script, I think we could have included a bit more information about where our contributors are located inside their households online. To be more specific, possibly to describe a little bit about their background of where they are positioned in front of their computer/ laptop camera. I understand it may seem a bit personal and private to describe our contributor's surroundings and backgrounds, I was only thinking with regards to detail and interest in our contributor's personality and their character for our story. Another improvement I think we could have done, on the audio side of asking our questions to our contributors, Sophie for the iPhone 12 story and Michael for the cinema story. The spacing and grammar positions look different, for Michael's questions, it looks appropriately spaced out and using italics fonts to look more interested and eye-catching for the reader to understand of what is happening from a visual point of view, however, Sophie's questions all look crammed together and there is no space or different grammar for a font when asking and answering the questions. Still, this is not a major problem or improvement that needs to be changed, this is just to change the tone and with regards to grammar and a different font. 
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