Pitching - "Soft" ( A Short Film)

A father comes across a group of people who starts to harass him. Afterwards by arriving home, his son has come across the same issue

Opinion of "Soft" 

I found this film very realistic, intense and even important. This is a story that explains about a family who have got a detailed and different background life. The chemistry between the father and son are very interesting.

I was very impressed with this films twist that i was not expecting, particularly from the climatic final scene.

It's a concept that i would re visit to try and pick up new information that i may of missed from my previous watch. Overall "Soft" is a realistic, intense and powerful concept. About fear, family and taking certain moments personally.


  1. This is a pretty good attempt at a pitch. You've got the main elements to good pitch - but what you need to work on is the language you use to sell the story. Look for emotive words, descriptive words. Such rather than he comes across "some people" - how about "gang of thugs" etc etc
    Its always good to position a question within the pitch, as in a problem to solve. such as "his son meets the same gang and now both have to deal with the threat" good work though.


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